Apple added a questionnaire to help you diagnose coronavirus COVID-19 while a separate research project is developing A.I. to detect the virus based on your voice.
Computers and viruses have a traditionally rocky relationship, but that hasn’t stopped technology from joining the front lines against the COVID-19 pandemic.
Security cameras are great at detecting motion, then starting to film to let you know there is an intruder. Visual One wants to make cameras even smarter.
IoT is riddled with security issues. Teserakt is looking at a new open-source method to encrypt IoT data to improve at least some common security problems.
The NTSB has completed its investigation and is blaming Tesla, Apple, and also the driver for a fatal crash, finding he was playing a video game at the time.
A recent report shows that a majority of security professionals are confident in their product security, but can’t prove that they are safe enough. This is indeed worrying.
50% of the CIO Jury declared that they believe 5G will boost IoT. Interestingly, half of the panel doesn’t believe this is the case. So, what sides are the panel taking?
Voice biometric solution IDVoice is receiving a huge update so that it will now be able to be used as an authenticator and to respond to specific users.