There are already smart irrigation systems available, but which one is the right one for your yard? Here are the better options on the market right now.
Learn how to set up an early warning system with Samsung SmartThings and receive a notification when your family member is showing signs of worrying behavior.
Ready for Nature combines weather data with the SmartThings Multipurpose sensors and can notify you about any rain that’s heading your way. Find out how!
If you notice a drop in video quality in your future calls on Google Nest, don’t fiddle with the settings. This is a deliberate move from Google in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
By using driverless deliveries, Mayo clinic only needs to worry about the origin and destination. allowing for COVID-19 tests to be delivered between labs.
The lockdowns and quarantines with the coronavirus pandemic have left people in need of meals and groceries, making it a great time for autonomous delivery robots
With a smart toilet system in development, it leads to the question of whether this is really something that is needed, although it does have some benefits.
The further we get through the coronavirus pandemic, the more tech is helping the medical community. Wearable apps could help detect asymptomatic COVID-19 cases.
Estimote wearables offer a solution in the changing workforce that will track employees to narrow down who they were near if they test positive coronavirus.
Along with health information, researchers believe wearables may help with relationships in he future. It turns out, though, that they’re already affecting relationships.