Linux is not the only operating system that will run on a Raspberry Pi. If you’re feeling adventurous, here is how you can install Android on Raspberry Pi.
Banks have been looking into IoT to enhance their businesses. A Korean bank is going one step further with its ambitions, using blockchain to expand its business.
Eurostar has created a facility to keep the kids entertained during that dark and boring underground stretch, and it’s a great experience for adults as well.
If you’re someone who doesn’t get what makes a Smart TV “smart,” then we’ll fill you in on the more important TV tech developments of the last few years.
The potential for IoT satellites seemed more of a pipe dream than a reality. Thankfully, that recently changed, as Eutelsat is making plans to send 25 IoT satellites into orbit.
When using Amazon Echo, saying “Alexa” makes it available to act on commands. This is a security problem that may lay you open to victimization by hackers.
As IoT gets more advanced and becomes part of our lives, many are concerned that IoT will take away jobs. Is IoT creating or destorying jobs? Let’s find out.
You may notice that Google Maps knoww where your location is. This is because Google has a network of beacons, each of which transmits a signal over a small distance.
Having a sleeping schedule and sticking to it is easier said than done. Thankfully, we can count on IoT to help us sleep better and become more productive.