You’ve heard of a smart watch, a smartphone, and even a smart home. But have you heard of a smart iron?
If you’re unfamiliar with what a smart iron is and what it does, you’re not alone. The reality, however, is that smart irons are capable of much more than removing wrinkles from your shirt, blouse, or pants.
In fact, a smart iron is sensitive to the touch, so it will intelligently shut down when you’re not using it. With a smart iron, problems like scorching clothing are a thing of the past.
Popular models include, but are not limited to, Philips Powerlife and Oliso Smart iron.
Oliso Smart Iron: First Impressions
Yes, there’s a lot of cool technology baked into the Oliso Smart Iron. But, at first glance, it looks like… an iron. Perhaps that shouldn’t come as much of a surprise. After all, what is it supposed to look like?
Automatic Shut Off Technology and How it Works
The Oliso Smart Iron comes with the company’s patented iTouch technology.
Here’s how it works: When you touch the handle of the smart iron, the iron lowers. You can then use it the way you would use most any iron. But here’s where things get interesting. When you remove your hand from the handle, the smart iron’s patented – and appropriately named – scorchguards do their thing. Specifically, the scorchguards lift the iron to safeguard against scorching, burning, and even tipping. Cool factor aside, the iTouch technology is also about safety.
Safety Considerations
One more thing about safety. The scorchguards mechanism – sort of like the feet – make the smart iron more stable than a traditional iron. So if someone bumps into the ironing board, the Oliso Smart Iron is more likely to stay put than tumble off of the ironing board. Try that with a traditional iron!

The Oliso Smart Iron packs some interesting features that increase the value proposition. The following are some features you’ll get with this iron.
Side Fill
With an old-school iron, you traditionally have to add water through an inconveniently located compartment. Chances are that you will end up getting as much water on the ironing board as you do in the reservoir. But the Oliso Smart Iron’s side filling system makes adding water easy.
Detailer Tip
With this smart iron, you will find it a breeze to do cuffs and pleats. The detailer at the front of the smart iron will also make it easier to take on jobs like ironing pockets.
The Oliso website shows different models of its Oliso Smart Iron. Prices range from $99.99 for the Everyday iron (blue) to $169.99 for either the Quilters + Sewers (yellow) or the Quilters + Sewers (pink). Free shipping is available with all irons.
Final Verdict
This definitely isn’t the sort of iron that your grandparents used when you were growing up. The Oliso Smart Iron takes ironing to another level and also adds a dash of safety. With the added safety features, you won’t have to worry about the hazards of leaving the iron unattended since it will lift itself as soon as your hand leaves the handle.