Fear of catching the new coronavirus is taking hold of the world. There are many thoughts, exaggerations, misguided ideas, and just flat-out misinformation. It’s so hard to know what to do to keep yourself safe. But one very easy way to help reduce the chance of spreading the virus is by relying on voice assistants.
By now many of us have a voice assistant on at least one device or gadget. Either Alexa, Google Assistant, or Siri is embedded in our phones, smart speakers, game systems, streaming devices, vehicles, etc. It’s time to use them to our advantage.
Help Prevent the Spread of Germs by Using Voice Assistants
There are three main rules of thumb everyone should be living by at this point: social distancing, not touching your face, and washing your hands frequently. But the use of voice assistants factors in very easily.
You can help prevent the spread of germs by not touching the things in your home or office or by not touching the settings in the car your riding in. Just ask Alexa, Google Assistant, and Siri to carry out these actions for you.
Siri may have started the trend, but Alexa pops up on many Internet of things devices, especially ones dedicated to smart home use. You can use it to turn your lights on, change your thermostat, check the visitors on your doorstep, play streamed media, etc. The list goes on, but you can get a few ideas from Best Smart Home Devices You Can Use with Alexa in 2020 on the ways Alexa can keep you from touching things in your home.
We tend to think of Google Assistant often in terms of using it on our devices and computers, but let’s not forget it also works as a smart speaker. We can use Google Assistant to assist us in finding a website on our phone just as easily as we can use it to help us drive hands-free. Check out more ways you can use it to not use your hands and not spread germs in Top 5 Ways You Can Use Your Smart Home Assistant
While she may have started it all, Siri seems to now be the forgotten sister. But that doesn’t mean she’s any less effective preventing you from spreading or picking up coronavirus germs. Siri started out on iPhones and iPads but is now on Macs, CarPlay, Apple TV, and the HomePod. It looks like it will only improve in the future, as Apple conducted a study and determined Users Like Voice Assistants that Converse the Way They Do.
Staying Safe
“These trying times” has become quite a colloquialism, but there are just no other words to describe the way coronavirus has paralyzed the world. School, shopping, socializing, working, and traveling have ground to a halt.
But the nations that are on the way back after the virus have found success by keeping a safe distance from other people and being smart about not spreading germs. While you’re stuck at home, use your voice assistant to keep from touching everything and spend some of your extra time reading Where Is the Future Headed with Voice Technology?