Having a “connected healthcare” system greatly reduces the in-person interactions between patients and specialists, thus removing the largest bottleneck in providing quality care.
It’s 2021 and the adoption of IoT products is advancing at breakneck speed. Let’s take a look at some of the defining IoT trends highly likely to shape the world in the future.
Knowing the differences between M2M and IoT will give you a better idea of the underlying hardware, the connectivity mechanism and data formats to be used.
It is now possible to use living biological cells to transmit information. Learn how the Internet of Bio-Nano Things can change the entire field of computer networking.
Serverless computing is a software architecture for building applications on the cloud without having to deal with on-premise servers. It is seeing rapid adoption in IoT development.
It would appear that, in 2020, the idea of talking cars is no longer a wishful fantasy. Elon Musk gave a glimpse of a self-aware supercomputer on wheels.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is the latest buzz in the digital world, where robots mimic human actions to take over labor-intensive tasks. Here’s why RPA is becoming such a rage in IoT.